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When you and your partner lived separately, and he would host guys night, you would know to just stay far, far away. You'd probably even stay away for a day or two after, giving him time to clean up the damage. But once you live together, there's no escaping the debauchery. Maybe a friend will take you in for a few hours, but eventually, you have to go home, and when you do, that will be a very special experience. Here are funny and true things you do when he hosts guys night at your shared place.
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Empty the trash cans
You just know that if his friends see purple tampon wrappers in the trash they'll make some joke to him about it and that's your private business! [caption id="attachment_716133" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Put away the good glasses
No, they will not he drinking beer out of your champagne glasses. No matter how funny they think that is. [caption id="attachment_620940" align="alignleft" width="500"]
Keep the dog
You know if you leave Fluffy to hang out with the guys they will feed him crap all night and you'll get to deal with the consequences when he gets sick to his stomach. [caption id="attachment_712485" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Put on a little makeup
You know--so they think you always look that good, even when you're just having a lazy evening at home. [caption id="attachment_711684" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Label food
They have another thing coming if they think they're going to eat your carefully selected collection of ice cream when they get drunk. [caption id="attachment_706179" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Listen in
You want to know what they talk about--can you blame them? And their significant others will want a report, too. [caption id="attachment_701190" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Pop in "just for a second"
You know he wants to be alone with his friends but you also know he won't say that in front of his friends. You're bored so you wander Into the living room "to get something" but you stay and chit chat until your partner gives you the look. [caption id="attachment_718970" align="alignleft" width="448"]
Have revenge girls night
If men can take over the living room with their beer and their yelling then women can take over the patio with their champagne and there, well, also yelling. [caption id="attachment_717212" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Sneak their food
Guys always have the best food for guys night. How do they even get wings and pizza and kebabs from the same place? You don't know, but you're sneaking some. [caption id="attachment_623342" align="alignleft" width="391"]
Try to get him to come to bed
Even though they are still full on raging at midnight, you poke your head out in very cute pajamas to mention you're going to bed...should your partner decide to join you. [caption id="attachment_698507" align="alignleft" width="468"]Volume check them
Every so often, you walk through the living room yawning, just to remind them SOME people may be sleeping around here. [caption id="attachment_722741" align="alignleft" width="365"]
Invite your hot friend over
You don't know why, but you get a kick out of making a bunch of drunk dudes who thought they didn't need to think about how they looked or acted, suddenly straighten up when a hot woman shows up. [caption id="attachment_716707" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Offer them lots of snacks
Your partner has insisted they are all set, but you sort of like to show off about what a great girlfriend you are by making them trays of snacks. [caption id="attachment_701870" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Check the laundry
If they're going to wander into the laundry area you do not want them seeing your soiled thongs on the top of the hamper. [caption id="attachment_710417" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Be on your best behavior
There is something satisfying about taking a continuing education class online and going to bed early when your boo is getting drunk. You feel very mature.The post Funny Things You Do When He Hosts Guys Night appeared first on MadameNoire.